ZX301 – Penetration Testing
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Penetration Testing
Find and exploit vulnerabilities
Master the methodical approach to identify and exploit system vulnerabilities, using professional tools and techniques for ethical hacking and security assessment.
ZX Offense
Program Code
Organizations: Contact us for enterprise solutions and volume pricing.
What Our Clients Say
“Over 1000 of our students have been trained using ThinkCyber's Products and Services. The hands-on experience they gain from using the Cyberium Arena Simulator and Specto is invaluable and has been instrumental in their career progression”
— John Bryce Training Center, Israel
“The training was crucial, providing my team with a wealth of knowledge through hands-on experiences. This is why, throughout June 2023, we will be welcoming SOC analysts from across the nation to participate in the CACC (CERT-IL Advanced Cyber Training). This training, facilitated by ThinkCyber and utilizing the Cyberium simulator, will provide invaluable experience and knowledge upgrades.”
— Homeland Security
“Our students are getting excellent positions such as SOC Analysts, Network Security Engineers, Forensics and Penetration Testers thanks to the applicable and relevant hands-on cybersecurity skills they've acquired through ThinkCyber's solutions.”
— James Lim, CEO of Centre for Cybersecurity Institute, Singapore
“Exceptional course! I've attended numerous programs, but this outshines them all in every conceivable way: the comprehensive content, the expert guidance, the practical exercises, and the seamless organization of the entire course.”
— Defense Forces
Learn the structured approach to penetration testing that security professionals use worldwide. From information gathering to post-exploitation, you'll master industry-standard tools like Metasploit and Nmap. Through hands-on practice, you'll develop the mindset and skills needed to identify and validate security vulnerabilities.
Most students complete this course in 10 to 12 weeks when studying regularly.
Perfect for those ready to step into offensive security roles.
Program Impact & Outcomes
After completing this course, you will:
Master essential penetration testing tools
Conduct thorough reconnaissance
Exploit discovered vulnerabilities
Perform post-exploitation techniques
Test web application security
Real-World Training Environment
From day one, you will:
Conduct authorized penetration tests
Use professional security tools
Practice exploitation techniques
Learn systematic testing approaches
Work with common attack tools
What You Will Learn
The Penetration Testing training equips learners with crucial skills to identify and exploit system vulnerabilities. Covering data gathering, system infiltration, post-breach techniques, and emphasizing WebApp Security, this program prepares participants to effectively safeguard digital assets against cyber threats.
This module empowers learners with fundamental penetration testing skills. It commences with Information Gathering, enabling understanding of targeted systems. Scanning follows, teaching detection of open ports and services. Lastly, Enumeration provides detailed system information, critical for crafting effective cyberattack strategies.
Information Gathering
Whois and Dmitry
Google and GHDB
Shodan CLI
DNS Reconnaissance
Online Databases
Nmap Scanning
NSE Scripting
Enumeration Tools
Vulnerabilities Detection Methods
This module is focused on the practical aspects of penetration testing, with a keen focus on Exploitation. It starts by teaching the methodologies to leverage vulnerabilities for unauthorized system access. Further, it explores payloads, which are pieces of code executed post successful exploitation, providing crucial insights into cyberattack mechanics.
Brute Force Tools
Exploits Database
Exploiting Manually
Msfvenom Payloads
Payloads Automation
Post exploitation tactics, used after gaining unauthorized access, are explored, giving insights into maintaining access, data extraction, and covering tracks. Furthermore, it examines social engineering, a human manipulation tactic for information or access, underscoring the human element in cybersecurity.
Local vs. Remote Exploits
Privilege Escalation
Disabling Security
Social Engineering
Online Services
Phishing Frameworks
Advanced Techniques
This module sheds light on the crucial aspect of safeguarding web applications. It navigates through various aspects of web application security, highlighting common vulnerabilities, and providing effective strategies to counteract them. A key focus is on securing data transactions, user authentication processes, and ensuring overall application integrity.
HTML Basics
Brute Force
SQL Injection
Web Payloads
Reverse Shell
Burp Suite